humanID Progress Update 7/18/19

Serafica Alamanda
Foundation for a Human Internet


Greetings, human!

Remember the good time when your data and identity don’t flutter around the internet? Or the time when your website did actually attract fellow humans instead of bots? We are one step closer to make internet human again. Here are some exciting things we would like to share with you.

Development Update

Earlier this month, our team have conducted analysis and design for the development of humanID SSO. We came up with 3 use cases of how things will work with humanID:

  1. Mobile app register

When a user login to an app for the first time, they only need to provide a phone number who act as a unique identifier for each account. The data will be hashed using HMAC SHA-256 and stored in private storage to ensure its authenticity.

2. Mobile app login using existing account

If a user has already logged in to an app using humanID, our mobile SDK will retrieve its hash. Mind that user can only be logged in to one device only.

3. Web login using existing account

Since humanID is an SDK and not an app, user cannot do initial login (register) from web. The login process is also quite different from mobile app login. Web SDK needs to choose one app from user’s mobile device that had stored humanID login record. If the push process fails, API server will choose another app and so on until there's no more app to try. In this case, the system will return error.

We try to make things as seamless and simple as it could be for both platform but for the sake of security, web login may need additional verification step.

For more detail about our flow, check out this link. We have provided a complete visualization of how things are going to be.

What’s Next?

Right now, we are focusing on finishing the SDK for web and Android. We plan to deliver the MVP by the end of this month. We will begin sales as soon as we’ve completed the prototype. And as for IOS development, it might take a little longer as we still in search for the developer.

Telegram Group

Click here to find out more about humanID. This group is open for discussion. We welcome developers and non-developers to engage with us in this group and be an amazing part of humanID community.


About Us

humanID is an encrypted & anonymous online identity, enabling platforms to offer the speed and comfort of social logins, while guaranteeing absolute privacy and protecting our communities by permanently blocking bots, spams, and trolls.

For more info please visit:

