humanID Progress Update 7/27/19

Serafica Alamanda
Foundation for a Human Internet
3 min readJul 26, 2019


Greetings, human!

It’s time for our weekly update. Throughout this week, we have made some progress and changes in our development side. There are also new use cases we would like to discuss. So, let’s just jump right into it!

OTP using Nexmo SMS API

As we’ve mentioned in our previous update, humanID will use OTP to verify user registration. As you can see on our GitHub, our developer has made some changes to the code to replace the previous implementation that used Twilio API. This decision is simply made to reduce cost. You can learn more about Nexmo’s two-factor authentication here.

Travis CI

We have integrated Travis Ci with our repository. For those who aren’t familiar, Travis Ci is a service tool that allows developers to build and perform tests to ensure that the code is working as it should. So far, our code got its passing badge.

New Flow Updates on Figma

There are two new processes that we’ve recently added. The first one is the process of changing phone number. There’s a possibility that one day user would want to change their number and use the current active number to sign in. When a user requests to change their phone number, the system will ask to input a new phone number and send an OTP to that number. After confirming the OTP, the system will then ask for old number and email. If the data are valid, then the system will send confirmation link or code to user’s email address. After getting user’s approval, the system will log out all sessions (including their web login session) and enabling them to login using a new number.

Another process we would like to discuss is when a user wants to switch device. humanID SDK works by saving user’s data on their device, so if a user wants to switch to a new device, they will need to make a request for that. The system will then send OTP via SMS. If the OTP is valid, the system will log out all session from old device (excluding web login session) and user can log in from a new device.

You can check out the full process here.

What’s Next

· We are getting closer to finalize our MVP. Stay tuned, human!

· Our team are working to change our domain to which is commonly used for non-profit and open source project.

· We plan to start our IOS development as soon as we find IOS developer to be a part of our team.

About Us

humanID is an encrypted & anonymous online identity, enabling platforms to offer the speed and comfort of social logins, while guaranteeing absolute privacy and protecting our communities by permanently blocking bots, spams, and trolls.

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