humanID Progress Update 8/10/19

Serafica Alamanda
Foundation for a Human Internet
2 min readAug 9, 2019


Greetings, human!

It’s time for our weekly update. We are pleased to share our progress and things that have been keeping us busy for the past week.

API Development Update

This week, our developer has added an API to update phone number. Basically, what it does is enabling users to log in using another number in case if a user wants to change their phone number. Mind that when this happened, the user’s account will be reassigned to the new number and system will log the user out of all sessions. You can take a look at our documentation here.

Android Development Update

Our developer has made an improvement to the code to fix the stored session. You can download our sample auth apk here. Overall, this week’s development will focus on log in process using existing account.

What’s Next

· We have been in touch with Wikimedia Foundation for fundraising purposes. So far, everything looks great and we will keep you posted.

· Our platform is almost ready to roll out and we plan to start the sales process soon. In the meantime, we are busy preparing the documents, presentation, and all the essentials.

About Us

humanID is an encrypted & anonymous online identity, enabling platforms to offer the speed and comfort of social logins, while guaranteeing absolute privacy and protecting our communities by permanently blocking bots, spams, and trolls.

For more info please visit:

