humanID Progress Update 8/26/19

Serafica Alamanda
Foundation for a Human Internet
2 min readAug 26, 2019


Greetings, human!

As our team continues to make headway with the project, we would like to present you some small updates from this week.

Technical Updates

We are pleased to announce that our web SDK development is 80% done and we’ve been busy making tweaks to improve it further. Our developers are currently setting their sights to finalize the Android SDK so we can move on to the testing phase.

As discussed previously, there are two solutions to perform cross-app login. After weighing the pros and cons, our android developer has chosen to use read/write method. We will use package name public folder to broadcast and catch intent. For those who aren’t familiar, in Android programming, intent act like a bridge between apps that allows application components to request functionality from other Android components. You can learn more about it here.

Business Updates

Our co-Founder, Bastian, has submitted the application for the Harvard Innovation Lab Venture Incubation Program. Venture Incubation Program (VIP) is a program designed to help Harvard student founders take their ventures further. Another exciting thing to announce, we are working with NBS to develop a sharia microfinance platform on top of humanID as one of our first use cases. That is all we can disclose for now, but we’ll make sure to keep you updated.

About Us

humanID is an encrypted & anonymous online identity, enabling platforms to offer the speed and comfort of social logins, while guaranteeing absolute privacy and protecting our communities by permanently blocking bots, spams, and trolls.

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