humanID Progress Update 9/14/19

Serafica Alamanda
Foundation for a Human Internet
2 min readSep 14, 2019


Greetings, human!

Welcome back to our weekly update where we talk about what’s been going on over the past week. Let’s dive in!

Technical Update

So first let’s talk about our current progress with the mobile SDK. This past week our Android developer has been dealing with notification interface and user’s interaction for web login. So far, there are still some issues that need to be resolved. Therefore, our Android development plan for next week is to refine the code and make sure everything works perfectly. Also, we will buckle down to the next module which is changing the registered number. As for iOS SDK development side, this past week our developer had created the wrappers for data transaction. We expect to complete the login system by next week.

Now, let’s move on to discuss our web SDK. A few days ago our developer just push some new updates on github. We updated our code to enforce the delay between OTP request so that the request won’t be overlapping with each other. We also pushed some new codes that enable web login using OTP, and some other minor updates.

Business Update

We have exciting news to announce. We got accepted into the Harvard Incubation Program. This is a great opportunity for us to gain more recognition and grow our community. We also applied to Harvard Business School Rock Fellow Program. It’s a program that enables students to continue to explore their entrepreneurial path by providing substantial financial support as well as a peer network and community. We promise to keep you posted once we hear back from them.

About Us

humanID is an encrypted & anonymous online identity, enabling platforms to offer the speed and comfort of social logins, while guaranteeing absolute privacy and protecting our communities by permanently blocking bots, spams, and trolls.

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