An Interview with Carla Rodriguez — Executive, University of West Florida Secular Student Alliance

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Humanist Voices
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2017


Image: Carla Rodriguez.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is family background — geography, culture, language, religion/irreligion, and education?

Carla Rodriguez: My family originated in Cuba and moved to the USA about 23 years ago. Most of my family practices Catholicism, Santeria, and various forms of Christianity and our native tongue is Spanish. My mother has a degree in Technical Engineering and my father a Law degree, however, since they earned those degrees in Cuba, they did not transfer over to the US.

Jacobsen: What is the personal background in secularism for you? What were some seminal developmental events and realizations in personal life regarding it?

Rodriguez: I grew up with my Atheist cousin while surrounded by a very religious family. But, I was never religious myself. I’ve tried going to Christian church and have done my fair share of research on multiple religions but I have never had a feeling of faith toward anything. There weren’t any major events in my life that confirmed by disbelief in a superior being. With that said, I have a very inquisitive mind so blindly believing in anything is not something I do.

Jacobsen: You are an executive of the University of West Florida Secular Student Alliance. What tasks

