Environmental Awareness activities of HAG

Humanist Voices
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2016

These last few weeks, Humanist Association of Ghana (HAG) has been involved in two major events to support local environmental groups.

On the 17th of September, HAG volunteering members , some friends and family members came together to support the HIPSTERS OF NATURE environmental group in a Beach Clean-up exercise and to raise awareness about the dangers to our environment with improper disposal of rubbish. We also helped to support communities affected by Tidal waves that struck and destroyed their canoes and property. There was a presentation by Helen List, a member of HAG on Ghana’s environmental problem after which volunteers from various organisations took to the beach for the clean-up exercise. At the end of the day, over 50 bags of rubbish were collected and properly disposed of. #NoBorlaBeach

Over 50 bags of rubbish on the coast collected and properly disposed of
Before the Clean-up Exercise
After the clean-up exercise

On the 1st of October, HAG participated in the “2nd annual Float Your boat race event” organized by environment 360 and sponsored by Aquafill. This event was to raise awareness and help raise funds to educate young pupils and students of various schools on the proper disposal of plastic bottles and the importance of recycling. The event was for Community groups, Companies and Organizations to pay to participate from 500 to 1000 Ghana cedis (US$126- 250) each ,to build a boat for 2 persons made up of plastic bottles and race against each other . In all, 7 teams applied and 3 were not qualified leaving HAG team to race against 3 others.

The idea for HAG to participate was brought by Executive Council Member Selasie Djameh and she coordinated and led the team. Some Members of HAG volunteered and contributed immensely through financial donations towards the application to participate, through materials for the building of the boat, transportation, time and energy. Organizing Secretary of HAG and Engineer, Kwabena Antwi-Boasiako designed the boat and several other members helped to build it supported by the President of HAG, Roslyn Mould. Thanks to all their efforts, HAG team won the event taking away a trophy and goodies. #Aquafillfyb


HAG race team from left to right Kwabena (HAG Organizing Secretary), Kwame (Rower), Yaw (Rower), Selasie ( HAG Council Member and Race Team Leader), Thaddeus and Kelechi (Rower) and the HAG boat
Rowers from left to right Kelechi, Kwame and Yaw receiving the winning Trophy

