Interview with Gissou Nia on Becoming Involved in Human Rights Work

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Humanist Voices
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2018


Image Credit: Gissou Nia.

Ms. Gissou Nia is the Board Chair of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center and the Strategy Director of Purpose. Here we talk about how to become involved in human rights work and pursue the passion for human rights.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Many young humanists may have an interest in human rights, not only speaking to the inherent dignity, worth, and respect of each individual human being but also as a profession.

For those with an interest, what can high school and undergraduate students do to pursue it?

Gissou Nia: The easiest way to find out is doing internships or volunteering. A lot of human rights organizations have youth chapters, where they are, specifically, looking to engage people at the high school level and on university campuses.

There are a lot of different entry points for people interested in learning more. There are the human rights giants, e.g., Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and civil rights organizations, e.g., ACLU.

A lot of these groups have a youth-focused effort. They are trying to mobilize young people, specifically Generation Z if you will. A lot of opportunities for young people to get involved. That way, they can dip their toe in and see what piques their interest in human rights.

