Interview with Lee Sakura — Administrator, Atheist Republic Manila Consulate

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Humanist Voices
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2018


Image Credit: Lee Sakura.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Was there a background in atheism, familially? How was the culture growing up in Manila? How is it now regarding religion and irreligion?

Lee Sakura: None both of my parents and grandparents are Roman Catholics. The culture here in the Philippines has a majority with conservative Catholics, but Catholics here are tolerant. The other Christian sects here; they are the ones who are so annoying.

I mean typical Catholics here do not read the Bible, unlike another sect who had been poison by the word of the Bible. They are more oppressive than Catholics, the majority of those sects are the ones who teach their faith in school, e.g. creationism instead of science and history.

Catholics also do that if you are in a Catholic school.

If you watched TV here in the Philippines, the morning ‘till evening the word “God” will be mentioned at least 100 times, in all programs, even if it is a science program or medical program. -_-

Atheism here in the past years has been taboo, even me becoming an atheist. I did not know the word atheism. But now, I see people nowadays are aware of atheism. Thanks to the internet and Mark Zuckerberg. :)

