SOCH Youth Summer Camp in Nepal

Wade Kaardal
Humanist Voices
Published in
6 min readNov 6, 2016

SOCH Nepal lead a successful youth summer camp this September, training Nepali Youth in leadership, critical thinking, and creativity.

Participants at the 2016 SOCH Youth Summer Camp

SOCH Youth organized a two-day summer camp for young people studying in Kathmandu Valley on the 23rd and 24th of September 2016. With 63 young participants and 7 team leaders the camp was held in Dhulikhel, at Dhulikhel Village Resort. SOCH Youth Vice President and secretary, Mr Kiran Khatri and Miss Sanjina Rai facilitated the two- day program that included games, activities and presentations from various speakers.

SOCH Youth team and all camp participants were welcomed to the Dhulikhel Village Resort with big smiles and breakfast. After the breakfast the participants were requested to wear a SOCH Youth camp T-shirt and each individual were given a flower to drop in the mud tub. This was done to mark the representation of every individual in the youth camp.

Mr. Khatri officially opened the SOCH Youth summer camp by welcoming all SOCH Youth members, SOCH Nepal members and participants of the camp. Mr Khatri discussed the importance of personal development, leadership and teamwork and highlighted the opportunities that the youth summer camp offered for participants to develop skills in these areas. As part of this initial session, participants were divided into groups and these groups were the basis for all games and activities during the camp. The activity required each group to create a name and slogan that would identify them during the camp. The groups were immediately excited to work together and showed incredible patience and understanding during this first activity. A number of participants expressed the highlight of the camp to be the unity of the group and teamwork involved on the camp.

One of the teams at SOCH Youth Summer Camp

Many of the games on the first day involved teamwork and encouraged participants to continue developing skills in communication and understanding through kindness and respect. Team leaders observed all participants supporting each other and motivating people from all teams. Participants also expressed the games to be a highlight of the camp. One participant stated that, “SOCH Youth summer camp has become a very grateful program. It has helped us in different ways. I suggest SOCH Youth should continue organizing these types of program/camp.” It was wonderful to see all participants demonstrate enthusiasm and enjoyment during all the activities.

Executive Director of SOCH Nepal, Uttam Niraula, speaks with camp attendees.

Executive Director of SOCH Nepal, Mr. Uttam Niraula gave a presentation on the absolute importance of recognizing the strengths and uniqueness of every person rather than identifying individuals based on categories such as caste or religion. Mr Niraula encouraged participants to consider the diverse ideas in Nepali culture and western culture in regards to family, religion, and worship of various God’s. He focused his presentation on being open to different societies as key to personal development. He also discussed the structure of society and Nepali culture and how this influences our personal development. Many participants were taking notes and all were listening intently as Mr. Niraula presented insightful information. He explained all human beings are different and they all are equal so that we should not be judgmental.

SOCH Youth vice-president Mr. Kiran Khatri showed a short video which highlighted the concept and character of leadership.

Executive Director of SOCH Nepal, Mr. Uttam Niraula led a session in regards to the pressures that youth face in Nepalese society. This session allowed discussion to occur between participants and provided an opportunity for them to express their feelings and thoughts on this topic. Many participants expressed concerns in regards to education opportunities, political structure, cultural belief systems, and multiple roles they are required to play in society and high expectations from elders. This session provoked healthy discussion between participants. Some participants suggested that they were identified by their Nepalese culture and others were considering what makes up their identity and how Nepalese culture influences this. There was an activity associated with this session where participants were requested to present a drama that explored how Nepalese youth could overcome the daily pressures they identified.

Ms. Sanjina Rai led the session of expressive art which involved creativity development and public speaking. This session was carried out to boost up the confidence level of every individual who had participated in the camp. The individual were made to develop either a story or a poem from their art and present it in front of all the participants.

Musical therapist Mrs. Maud Van De Worp led a session on self-reflection. The participants were provide with paper and requested to draw circle, square, triangle and question mark in the paper. Later the participants were allowed to draw as they wished. After the participants had finished Mrs. Maud explained every individual’s personality.

SOCH Team Member, Bipin Thapa, leading a session.

In the evening SOCH team member, Mr Bipin Thapa delivered the final session for day 1. Mr Thapa presented an incredibly thought provoking presentation regarding the importance of respect and care shown towards parents. During this presentation he shared short video clips and poems with the audience that allowed him to create an emotional connection as well as inspiring everyone to reflect on their own experiences and relationships with family. Camp participants and team leaders demonstrated a range of contemplative emotions during this session. One participant stated that this presentation “really touched his heart”. This session concluded with a reflective exercise where each participant wrote a letter to their parents expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Right after the Yoga and refreshment SOCH Youth members Mr. Bipin Thapa and Ms. Sanjina Rai facilitated a session on community art. In this session each group were suggested to go outside and bring something that inspired them. Each group brought something and explained the reason for choosing that particular item. After this every individual were provided with clay. With the help of the clay the participant were allowed to make anything of their choice. After the participants had finished they were lead outside the hall and made to place their clay art on the table. Further they were requested to move around and place other clay art according to their choice. When the final decoration was done the participants were lead inside the hall. This session carried the message that every individual is different. We must appreciate and accept the people as they are in the community. Community is beautiful place to live in because of different kinds of people.

Mr Niraula presented a second session on the importance of motivation and how the historical and current political situation affects the motivation of Nepal’s youth. He encouraged participants to consider what they could do about changing their thought process and encouraged them to share ideas on how they could make a difference to society.

It was evident that all participants learnt invaluable life skills as well as developed skills in critical thinking and creative thinking. This was evident through observation of participant’s social interaction, final presentations to the rest of the group and feedback forms. In one of the final sessions they were asked to reflect on the camp and share their thoughts. During this time of sharing, they provided incredibly positive feedback and gave thanks to all SOCH Youth team members for providing them the opportunity to attend the camp. The camp concluded with a certificate distribution session and a photo session, where all participants were creating memories with their new friends. Most feedback received in regards to the camp was positive and encouraging. The SOCH Youth Summer Camp was incredibly successful with presentations, discussion and activities that inspired the youth of Nepal to be the positive change that they want to see in Nepal. One of the participants stated to; “Teach the youth to do well enough for the country with management of leadership, teamwork and the purpose of helping”.

Submitted by Nabina Maharjan on behalf of SOCH Nepal

