Own Your Loneliness

If you let loneliness own you, you’ll accept being lonely and helpless. Once you take ownership of your loneliness you’ll create the life you want.

Sturm Enrich
Humanist Way


Photo by Atharva Tulsi on Unsplash

Loneliness is tough. Just imagining that no one needs or wants you; that you are useless; that your life doesn’t matter and your death will go unnoticed can be devastating. And yet, social isolation is spreading across all generations, including the Millennials.

There is no substitute for the human touch, interaction or attention. They affect us deeply at all stages of life.

Babies that don’t get enough attention develop slower and have higher mortality rate. Youth suffer from bullying because it precludes them from forming friendships. Young mothers often feel excluded because of their new role in life. Veterans returning from war zones feel isolated by their battlefield experiences few — and sometimes, none — of their loved ones or friends can relate to. Criminals are put in a solitary confinement to amplify the severity of their punishment. Major life changes (from moving to a divorce) leave us feeling lonely. The elderly suffer when they feel isolated, irrelevant or forgotten.

Medicine considers loneliness…

