IIHA Launches Partnership with High Tech Humanitarians (HTH)

December 11, 2016, New York City — The IIHA begins 2016 with a new challenge: to support the dissemination and promotion of humanitarian innovation worldwide. This initiative, spearheaded by the development of a web platform called High Tech Humanitarians (HTH)and promoted by IIHA’s Humanitarian Innovation Fellow, Giulio Coppi, has a special focus on Open Source Technology.

The open approach allows NGOs and local organizations to use, modify, adapt, and improve the solutions they prefer according to their own needs. In the future, HTH aims to expand its network to like-minded organizations at all levels, to create real and virtual spaces for open humanitarian innovation.

HTH is the first free platform for open source humanitarian innovation, to allow universal access to life-changing technology. HTH’s lean, simple structure and appearance is conceived to facilitate access from any kind of device, even if running on a very slow connection.

HTH believes that the lack of awareness about existing free tools is the primary obstacle in the struggle to give universal and equal access to life-saving and life-changing technological solutions.

Aimed at tech-friendly humanitarians, development actors, social workers, intrepid communities, and all other innovation-minded people, HTH promotes a culture of open source and equal, universal access to emerging technology, be it high-end or frugal, for everyone in the world. For this purpose, all the content of HTH is free under Creatives Common policy, notably the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.

To get started, just explore the Toolbox to find the OpenTech solution that best fits your needs, suggest an open source solution which is still not in the database for others to discover, or register to the HTH newsletter! Once you pick your tool, adapt it, use it, and if you want please share your experience by email or connect with the HTH community by following HTH on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or YouTube.

Katarzyna Laskowski

This article was originally published on the previous IIHA Blog.



Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs

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