Multilateralism in Support of the Most Vulnerable — Case Study


Last year’s first Design for Humanity Summit saw Seán Ó hAodha, the Deputy Director of Humanitarian Unit of Irish Aid address an eager audience concerning a multilateral approach to humanitarianism.

Below is the excerpt of Ó hAodha’s contribution to the newly released Design for Humanity Summit Yearbook available for download here.

“Ireland’s long-standing commitment to the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence has led to Ireland being one of the major advocates of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid, the key document guiding the EU and its Member States’ approach to humanitarian aid. The Consensus seeks to ensure that humanitarian aid is directed to where it is most needed- without discrimination- and not instrumentalized for political or other ends. Central to maximizing Ireland’s response is strong support to and engagement with the multilateral system, including the UN as well as the EU.

The provision of core, un-earmarked funding to UN bodies and to UN-managed funds like the Central Emergency Response Fund and the UN country-based humanitarian funds allows these organisations to prioritise those in greatest need, scaling up aid quickly in response to sudden-onset disasters or spikes in conflict.

Engagement in multilateral fora also allows Ireland to participate in decisions on how to channel effective humanitarian assistance to those in greatest need around the world. Earlier this year Ireland took over the Chair of the OCHA Donor Support Group, working even more closely with OCHA and other donors to enhance the delivery of humanitarian aid and ensure coherent and effective responses to humanitarian crises.

Ultimately, the solutions to resolving and preventing most humanitarian crises are political. Currently, some 80% of humanitarian crises across the globe are conflict-related. Ireland therefore not only advocates for the timely provision of humanitarian assistance where it is needed most; we also advocate at EU and UN levels for the resolution of crises and for full accountability where there have been breaches of international humanitarian law. This joined-up response, which is rooted in multilateralism, allows us to achieve a much greater impact for humanitarian aid while also seeking to protect the most vulnerable.”

Learn more about the Design for Humanity Summit II, taking place June 21, 2019 at Fordham University’s McNally Amphitheatre here.

About the IOM — UN Migration
Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the fi eld of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 173 member states, a further 8 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people

About the IIHA
The Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs (IIHA) prepares current and future aid workers with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively in times of humanitarian crisis and disaster. Our courses are borne of an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines academic theory with the practical experience of seasoned humanitarian professionals. The IIHA also publishes on a wide range of humanitarian topics and regularly hosts a number of events in the New York area, including the annual Humanitarian Blockchain Summit and Design for Humanity Summit.

For media inquiries please contact:
Camille Giacovas
Communications & Research Officer, IIHA

Angela Wells
Public Information Officer for the International Organization for Migration’s Department of Operations and Emergencies



Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs

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