Americas: Columbus’s India

500 yrs ago Columbus landed in India which is now America.

Héms 😎
2 min readMar 2, 2019


History states that Columbus traveled west to reach India. By that time, Americas was undiscovered and non-existent for Europeans. When Columbus saw land after sailing many days on the Atlantic ocean, he assumed that he found India.


When he landed, native Americans extended generous courtesy and kindness as they treat their guests with high regards in their culture.

Columbus wanted to ensure that they are in India, so he asked them “Are you Indians?” in his language. Native Americans not knowing their language, they smiled and nodded with a head shake (Indian nod) which was assumed as yes by invaders.

Thus, Aboriginal Americans are referred to as “Indians” until today.

Spaniards headed by Columbus mistook their generous hospitality for naivety and ignorance, they conspired to kill all Indians (Native Americans) and take over India (Americas) as a Spanish colony. Then British followed Spaniards to North Atlantic and perpetrated further genocide of aboriginals as they did all over the world.

Thus begun the genocide of Aboriginal Native Americans (Indians)!

Many years later they realized that they were not in the promised land of India, then they named the new land as “America”.

Thus, Columbus discovered “AMERICA”.

Note: No pun intended. This post is not for textual criticism or validation.

Just enjoy the read and take it easy! Have fun and enjoy life!

P.S.: If you are an Indian in the Americas, then don’t become another victim. Beware of the question “Are you Indian?”, engage survival instincts. 😉

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Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.