Be lovable, Be Admirable - Not Valued!

People are to be liked and things are to be valued!

Héms 😎
2 min readDec 8, 2019


We are suppose to love and like our fellow humans, We are supposed to respect people based on their human values and humanity. Whereas we put a value on everyone and respect them based on their valuation of wealth and power. This is so wrong and unfortunate.

Definition of Valuation:

The monetary worth of something, especially as estimated by an appraiser.

One should be Liked for being human and respected for humanity in them.

When you are valued, then there is price tag which are meant for non-living material objects. When someone is respected and valued for their wealth and power, then they become less of a human and more of a material object.

We are suppose to like, love and respect people, not things.

On the other hand, people are showing extreme love towards materialistic things such as their Phones/ cars/ mansions. They are lifeless material objects which deserves to “be valued” and not loved.

And the sad part is that people hurt other people just to gather more materialistic things and at the cost of human lives. This is so wrong and unfortunate.

It is okay to like or dislike someone but it is never okay to hurt others.

Great scholars and Gods were liked for their goodness and admired for their greatness and service to Humanity.

Serve Humanity and help fellow humans to be admired!

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Peace, Joy, and prosperity for all!



Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.