Truth Vs Perception (Part 2)

Freedom of speech — Bacon Ban?

Héms 😎
3 min readJul 15, 2018


Freedom of Expression:

Enjoy Freedom responsibly.

We all love our freedom of speech and freedom of expression. So does everyone else, let us be responsible and respectful of human values too.

With freedom of speech/ expression, people are allowed to believe in whatever they want and whichever religion they desire.

And this is okay even if they are extreme opposite to our beliefs, as long as there is NO action violating human rights of another person.

Religion and Freedom:

One may talk about their beliefs and may try to convince others about their beliefs or religion respectfully. They are accepted as long as the other person has freedom to make a choice of their own and it does not violate their rights.

But it is wrong to force your belief upon others by making it illegal or lawful prohibition for others, it is called oppression.

You may have a belief that gay marriage is sin and that may be your truth, but may not be for others. If that is your belief then don’t get gay married. But do NOT force your belief on others.

If you believe abortion is sin, then don’t get aborted. But do not speak for others. By making it illegal you are taking away the rights of others to make their own choice.

One person’s truth is another person’s lie.

When it comes to religion or historical references, there is NO truth, there are only interpretations and perceptions, and this changes all the time. Also, some of the original content were lost in translation.

Bacon Ban:

To all bacon lovers, book of Leviticus (11:7) does refer to eating pork products as sin, would you like that belief be forced upon you?

How would you feel, if we make it illegal to consume any pork products along with nationwide ban on bacon citing religious beliefs?

When you love bacon you want an exemption and some may even dispute the interpretations of the religious books on pork. If so, then why not extend the same privilege to fellow humans on other religious beliefs such as sexuality or birth control?

It all comes to what we pick and choose, what is convenient to ignore and what to fight against. How about some compassionate empathy? Live and Let Live!

If you don’t like it, then don’t do it.

Do NOT force your belief on the others, let them make their own choice.

Follow Humanite for future posts. Live and Let Live!

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Peace, Joy, and prosperity for all!



Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.