#MeToo, sexual assault by 9 yr male…?

In the news, another typical accusation by feminist women?

Héms 😎
4 min readOct 20, 2018


53 years old woman accusing a 9 years old boy of sexual assault. Check this link below.

Another typical accusation by a feminist woman.

Grabbed my ass, sexual assault… (#MeToo, #metoo..)

This is not something that happened in some conservative rural area but very much in cosmopolitan New York City.

Luckily there was a security footage proving his innocence and exhibiting the truth, else this boy would have been demonized like many others and would be forced to experience “Hell” until he proved his innocence.

With her professional credentials, she was a potential #MeToo superstar. The truth from security footage sabotaged her #metoo celebrity future.

If not for the security footage, feminist groups across the world would have demanded justice for that woman and boy to be punished with no investigation. Especially sexual assault accusation from a woman with Ph.D. and a professional always gets more media attention than the actual truth.

Despite too many lives destroyed by false accusations from “victim-playing” women, feminists continue the propaganda to blindly believe every accusation from women, even when those false accusations traumatize 9 yr olds for their life.

Meanwhile, check the below post. Are parodies becoming true? Was this ahead of time or is this the reality we are living?

It is always “Guilty until proven innocent” when accused by a woman. And whether it is tagged as #MeToo or something else. Such false accusations by “victim playing” women have become rampant and universal from India to the USA.

Not just men, women too are victims of false accusations:

This incident is not an exception, women across the world use #MeToo, women victimhood, and feminism along with their “Victim Playing” skill to destroy the lives of many innocents.

Many lives have been ruined by fictitious accusations and false complaints.

It is not just men, there are many women who are victimized by feminists. In this case, the mother of that boy also endured trauma during that time and she is a woman too. Yet, feminists do not care about those women, they would further demonize those women for being the mother of a male child. And they would only focus on the accusations with women victimhood claims.

It is always innocents and underprivileged who suffer.

These “victim-playing” women are toxic and harmful. They often project their own defects on others. Often, sexual predators falsely accuse others of sexual assault and claim #MeToo tag. They are evil-minded and maybe those feminists do need help and rehabilitation to be a better human.

Good Vs Evil:

#MeToo and feminists have created gender warfare Women Vs Men, instead of focusing on the actual problem Good vs Evil. Feminists are defending and protecting criminal evil women under feminism, and obstruct fair justice.

Bad women are getting away with heinous crimes.

This gender bias is causing more harm than any good. With too many false accusations, “victim playing” evils take the limelight creating new victims of their crimes.

While this gender warfare is destroying more innocent lives, real-life criminals are getting away easily and real-life victims continue to suffer. This is unfair and injustice.

There are good humans and evils in all genders and in all races/ colors too. There are victims and criminal offenders in either gender.

All good humans of either gender need to come together to protect the innocent and vulnerable humans regardless of their race, color or gender.

Human values and Humanity matters!

History repeats with “victim-playing” evil women:



Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.