Naziism/ Barbaric Racism in Corporate America

Corporate Work Culture — inhuman barbarism:

Héms 😎
Published in
7 min readOct 4, 2019


First published in LinkedIn (2016) with recent updates at the end. — TRUE story of crimes against Humanity in Corporate America.

This is not just some typical workplace bully or racism or sexual harassment or homophobic acts, but the corporate management goes much beyond imagination with nasty gruesome acts crushing human souls. Such acts include privacy intrusion, eavesdropping on private calls/ conversations, spy cams, toilet cams, hidden cameras all over the private residence of the employee including bedroom, restroom, etc.

All without the consent of concerned employee.

This is not some revenge porn but a well-coordinated corporate spy-cam porn scandal executed by many evil-minded professionals for malignant reasons with Legal Abuse and sinister threats. Any non-consensual porn is pure evil regardless of age or gender or race-ethnicity.

Just like Child Pornography, the perpetrators here too have the same evil desire for 24x7 live raw visuals of someone in their private living space with hidden cameras but they are aided and abetted by high profile corporate executives. Capturing raw nude visuals including periods of sickness, house guests of all ages.

Twisted perverts, racist Nazis, vile beings as corporate executives & professionals.

These so-called white-collar professionals and corporate executives shamelessly fulfill their toilet cam fetishes, voyeuristic pervert desires by streaming and ranting of those spy cam visuals with raw nudity at the workplace. Management executives shamelessly ranting about the spy cam visuals while the employee is still unaware of being violated.

Global web-casting of assault while unconscious for the pleasure of executives.

These evils published defamatory narratives of their own created by their own evil minds with reference to private life/ personal lifestyle of the employee in blogs and on many social media platforms for public access.

The blogs were filled with lies, wild rumors, imaginative accusations, fictional allegations etc. These bloggers are the worst kind of twisted perverts and radical extremists. The blogs were intended to create a false prejudice among the public to lure support of like-minded evils and mislead others into this evil conspiracy.

This is a new low for humanity.

Also, these sadist evils did uploads of nude raw clips from toilet and bedroom onto X-rated pornographic websites, further distributed them to family and friends of the employee for defamation along with sinister threats.

This is pure evil and inhuman brutality.

Such egregious abuses and much more continuously executed over a long period of time (years) and continued even after the resignation of the employee. The concerned employee is kept unaware of all of these and also defenseless with the sheer magnitude of this operation.

Blame and shame the Victim with legal abuse and abuse of power/ wealth!

There can be no justification for such heinous crimes against any human, not in any workplace, not in any civilized human society.

Men or Women, Human Dignity is priceless!

These barbaric sickening acts are worse than any physical abuse one can endure but celebrated as work culture with the blessing of management executives. Psychological and emotional trauma caused would be too immense to be put into words.

Gross violation of basic Human Rights!

They further colluded with global terror networks, criminal elements, terrorist sympathizers, and their supporters to perpetrate criminal acts including eavesdropping, sex cams, burglary of personal belongings, identity fraud, sinister threats, etc. and sharing them in private blogs for the entertainment of sadist executives.

Human Dignity matters; regardless of sexuality, gender, race, color, etc.

Narcissistic managers do abuse their vested powers and betray their subordinates to defame the talents and enslave others by fear. Seems many lose their basic human values while climbing the corporate ladder with fancy titles and vested powers.

Employees are not sex toys for executives.

To all Employees at the workplace who are in a dilemma:

Sycophancy can get you ahead in career but short-lived. At the same time, the guilt of putting someone in harm’s way will be there forever.

Even in crisis situation, we do have a choice to be like Schindler or just be another Nazi!

We are not cattle in the herd, we are Humans with mind power to question things for truth, distinguish between good and evil. Choose Humanity!

Corporate Feminists:

Racist evils are of either gender with many professional women playing a vital role in aiding racial attacks and quenching their lust with spy-cam porn, toilet cam of employees but they disguise them as feminism.

Also, they do perpetrate barbaric filthy acts with live streaming of hidden toilet cams, sex cams from the private residence of the employee. Corporate feminists are filthy perverts who network in the workplace as “Soulless witches network” (SWN) to quench their sadist pervert desires and toilet-cam fetishes. But these evil deeds are executed under the false pretense of social justice and women’s rights.

WRONG is wrong even if everyone is doing it, RIGHT is right even if no one is doing it.

Corporate executives lacking common sense:

Though there are many etiquette related to greeting, eating, dressing that may vary regionally. But it is universal etiquette, basic human decency, and “common sense” to knock on the door and ask for permission before entering into someone’s private space. Those who “shamelessly” barge into toilet and bedroom of others without consent using spy cams are “barbaric filthy evils”, they have no common sense and no basic decency.

Such intrusion acts are egregious violations of basic human rights. But the executives of Corporate America violate the rights of the employee for their own sadist pervert desires and sex cam fetishes. This is barbaric and inhuman brutality.

Every employee deserves human rights.

One’s skin color or sexual orientation or faith or any personal status is NOT a license to violate them with sex cams for the pleasure of executives. Executive or janitor, every employee deserves basic human rights and the right to their privacy.

Nazi Enterprises:

There are Nazi Corporations perpetrating barbaric acts that are in violation of human rights along with torment and trauma of low-level employee for a longer period.

During the Nazi era, many thrived by aiding the Nazi agenda with expanding empire and majority were not impacted adversely. The victims were in minority profiled by their sexuality, faith, etc. but few is too many and for those innocent victims, it is the only life they got. Similarly, those who contributed to this sex cam scandal and conspiracy were showered with promotions and titles by corporate management, and the majority may not have been impacted, but for those impacted, it is the only life they got.

Egregious Human Rights Violations!

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a historic document that was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 to protect humanity and prevent similar human rights violations as in Nazi regime.

Yet Corporate America is in violation of many articles in this Human Rights declaration during this episode, thus surpassing Nazis in many aspects with barbaric human rights violations for an extended period of time.

Nazi Enterprises of 21st century!

False propaganda, defamatory blogs, and conspiracy about their target with lies and fictional allegations to gain public support for their evil agenda and many more barbaric evil deeds with extensive “legal abuse” which were exactly similar to what Nazis did in the 20th century. So, these corporations are to be referred to Nazi enterprises.

Stryker ( NYSE: SYK) — Nazi Enterprise

It is a death blow for the employee when they learn that management executives were watching hidden sex cam and toilet cam from their private residence while they were serving years of hard work for the betterment of the same corporation.

The injustice continues with management and board of these corporations are together in these barbaric sickening acts.

Note: This article is inspired by true events and real-life experiences. And the injustice continues with the perpetrators being showered with benefits like promotions, titles, incentives, perks, US Visa sponsorship for foreign evils and much more.

Don’t wait until you or your loved ones/ children are violated egregiously.

Support Human Rights for all and Stand for Humanity!

Update (2019): Torture, Torment, Trauma Continues.

This is new low for Humanity.

Attn. Kamala Harris Kamala Harris: Please do the right thing.

Originally published at

Disclaimer: This is a generic article to spread awareness about Racism in Corporate America beyond stereotypes, intended to improve moral standards, human rights in corporations. Any resemblance to actual corporations, persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental other than mentioned.



Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.