Aryans: Peace-loving brown people

Ignorance and Fiction about who True Aryans are .

Héms 😎
4 min readAug 9, 2019


For many thousands of years, people of Indian sub-continent are referred as “Aryans”. This is evident from vedic scriptures of India that are many thousand years old, validated for authenticity by archaeologists.

‘Aryans’ are referred to indigenous people of India. The original term had nothing to do with skin color or Caucasians or Europeans.

In early days, Aryans (people of India) were considered as racially superior by the rest of the world, as they were prosperous with tremendous wealth and controlled most of global trade.

In 19th century AD, Sanskrit word ‘Aryans’ entered European languages due to the Europe’s obsession with India.

Why obsession with India?

To parallel this, today in 21st century, USA is economic powerhouse with about 1/8th of global GDP. And many communities and nations across the world seek to replicate American lifestyle, technology, policies for their way to prosperity.

Same happened with India. Until 17th century, India was the economic powerhouse with more than 1/4th global GDP for many centuries and millenniums. Kingdom nations across the world treasured India and Indians (Aryans). This led many Europeans to seek India and imitate India as their way to prosperity.

True Aryans:

Aryans were originally referred to noble people of Indian sub-continent. Aryans were historically known for their nobleness, hospitality, humanity, peace, tolerance and coexistence.

True Aryans embraced humanity of all colors, races, genders and sexuality. Aryan-era “Kama Sutra” embraced Human Sexuality which included all forms of sexual orientations.

Original Aryans celebrated diversity including religions such as Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and more. Also, oldest active Jewish synagogue is in India. (Ref: Paradesi Synagogue)

Aryans treated immigrants from far-away nations as their family with great hospitality, they referred to it as “Atithi Devo Bhava” and has mentions in many scriptures for many thousand years from vedic to modern ones.

Skin Color:

Fact: Original Aryans (Indians) are naturally brown skinned as they lived in tropical regions.

Scientific fact: Skin pigmentation do vary based on the altitude and latitude of the earth they hail from, with darkest shade near equator and sea level to lightest near poles and high altitudes as natural immunity to Sun’s UV radiation. For this reason, northern Americans, Europeans head to beaches in Florida, Caribbean, Mediterranean for a natural skin tan with sun bathing.

Ignorance and fiction:

It is unfortunate that even in this digital era of 21st century, many are still adhering to those misinterpretations and fictional narratives that started in 19th century, while ignoring the truth that existed for many thousand years.

Current ‘Aryan’ definition in the west is totally opposite to what it stood for many thousand years. This misnomer was adopted by Nazis in 20th century.

Aryan theories of Europe did not exist until 19th century and there is no evidence to support those theories. Also, the term “Aryan” was introduced in European languages with translation of Vedic scriptures from India.

Just as with any rumor spreading like wildfire. Fake stories, fictions about misinterpreted false narratives of Aryans have spread widely and many continue to spread hatred against humanity under the name of ‘Aryanhood’. This is so wrong and unfortunate.

Regardless of one’s race/ ethnicity/ skin color, anyone can be a true ‘Aryan’ by being human with humanity, nobility, peace, tolerance and upholding human values for all humans.

Aryans — Misinterpretations and misunderstanding.

Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th century, the term “Aryan” was adopted as a racial category through the works of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blonde northern European “Aryans” who had migrated across the world and founded all major civilizations, before being diluted through racial mixing with local populations. (Reference — Wiki)

Aryan myth was further propagated during colonial era by british. This false propaganda was widespread as means to “divide and conquer” all of India with misinformation. And they were successful in their evil agenda.

Nazis adopted Aryan myth from British.

This connotation was further misinterpreted with the original content “lost in translation” and further adapted by Nazis as a way to establish their supremacy by assuming themselves as ‘Aryans’.

If not for the British propaganda; Maybe Holocaust would have never happened.

It is unfortunate that this misconception still continues in 21st century and being adopted by KKK, Neo-Nazis, radical extremists and white terrorists.

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Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.