Personal Growth | Inner Child Work

How to Write a Letter to Your Inner Child

(At least some guidance on where to begin)

Humanity Academy
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2023


I hear this a lot in my work:

“How do I connect with my inner child?”

It’s a great question and a bit of a process.

We all have an inner child, often multiple.

No, this does not mean that we have multiple personalities (although our inner children possess unique qualities that differ from our wise adult selves).

One of the challenges people have had in connecting to their inner child is that they approach the connection like an adult would; so it seems, at times, near impossible to make the connection.

Children connect through play and story.

They don’t connect through big words and drawn-out explanations — Children need others to get on their level.

So how do you get on the level of your inner child?

Well, you can literally sit on the floor:

Imagine yourself back in your bedroom as a child. Recall your favourite toy, storybook, or even a safe place you’d like to be.

Another way to get to your own inner child level is to think of your earliest childhood memory.



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