Emotional Literacy
Learning About and Working With Our Emotions
A tool to get in touch with your emotions and stop intellectualizing feelings
Our ability to be emotionally aware started from our experiences with our caregivers.
Chances are, their level of emotional intelligence was not great. Maybe they were great parents, but bad communicators. Maybe they sucked at parenting and sucked at communicating and Disney was your guide. Well, Disney also sucked at being a guide for relationships (It’s gotten a whole lot better in the last couple of years but the Cinderella days? Absolute garbage)… I digress.
So what to do, what to do?
Could try counselling because emotional intelligence and literacy is a big part of that process.
Even the Obamas went to counselling (because they were badass). Such an inspiration.
But maybe you’re not married or in a relationship. I’ll bet you still have shit to work on. Like, we all have shit to work on — no matter what our age is, fame, education, bank account, blah blah blah.
Attachment trauma is probably one of the most important things to work on. But that’s not what this article is about. THIS article is about emotional literacy and I’m going to give you a free tool for working through (and with) emotions.