Thoughts on Life and Death


Daan Arisz
Humanity Dawns
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I used to think that death was the opposite of life — I was wrong.

If you look at a fallen tree in a forest, you don’t just see death. If you look closely, there are all kinds of life surrounding the fallen one. Tiny beetles living in it’s bark, moss where the tree used to be rooted and all kinds of fungi sprouting to life. It’s almost a pretty sight — save for the small rodent that was in between the falling tree and the ground.

So if death is not the opposite of life, that would mean that death is merely the opposite of birth.

When you die, all that which makes you you, is not really gone. Nature is designed so cleverly that everything comes in pairs, and nothing is ever wasted; just transformed into other forms of energy. The body has died, but a version of you lives on in the minds of the people that remember you.

If you think of living on in other people’s minds like that, one could argue that you are born twice, and that inevitably, you die twice. Physically, and then in spirit.

The first time you are born is when you come out of your mother and draw your first breath to start crying. No one would blame you, because we all have that same light flashback to that first horrific moment of being pulled out of your comfort zone when the alarm clock goes off in the morning. As adults we have learned to cope with this by crying on the inside and hitting the snooze button just one more time.

The second time you are born is when you know why you are here on this world. I think everyone should take the first 30 years of their life to figure out which problems you are good at solving and would like to do in exchange for money. Which basically means that you are trading the precious hours of your life in exchange for payment. So fight for a just cause and a fair reward, because there isn’t a heavenly service desk where you can return the money for years lost afterwards. Simply because the higher powers will not accept outdated paychecks as a return receipt, I’ve bin told. So find your reason why you are here.

At the end of it all you will die the first time when you blow out your last breath. The second time you die is when the last person that remembers you blows out their last breath. That could be the reason why people with all the money or power in the world (or any social media account) want to make the history books. As long as people think of you after you are gone, you are never really gone.

So in life, however big or small, something beautiful has been expressed. In death nothing has been lost as long as there is a record of it. Either in writing or in the memories of loved ones.

That is what drives a species forward; Knowledge, Wisdom and Love.

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Daan Arisz
Humanity Dawns

Interesting thoughts and side notes on life in general; I write them fearlessly. I edit them mercilessly.