Matters of the head


Daan Arisz
Humanity Dawns
2 min readFeb 22, 2020


Photo by Andrés Gómez on Unsplash

The biggest problem in society today, is that we have stopped drinking from the skulls of our enemies.

One could also argue that one of the reasons that we have global warming, is because we stopped sacrificing virgins to the gods.

Both arguments are wrong for their own obvious reasons, but we live in a time where absurd opinions can be taken out of their context by people who only read click bait headlines, and stop there.

They blast it as far out as they can on their very unsocial media accounts, and add to the climbing global anxiety.

But would it help if we went back to the time where we bashed in the skulls of our critics? Have them on display so that others can see our crockery set of conquered critics? What image will that show to others? That the strongest opinion is also the right opinion?

I think it served a purpose when skull cups were used, but we have evolved since to prohibit beheading as a result of disagreement. It would simply send the wrong headline (yes, pun intended).

But you could look at it from a figurative angle; should there be a way in our modern time where everyone has an expression platform, where we can smash in the figurative skull of someone spewing nonsense, hold it up for everyone to see and drink from it?

There can be, and it’s called an intellectual debate. It goes back as far as to the oldest civilizations. But to be able to argue in a clever way, and outwit and outsmart your opponent, you would need to have a developed mind of your own.

I know it is not easy to cut through all the nonsense and noise people throw up in defense, but the high ground is the only way forward as a species. When those with weak arguments try to compensate by shouting louder, you know you’ve got them on the run. You should have the bravery to go for the kill and claim your skull. Disqualify them from the human race.

Like Eleanor Roosevelt said:

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

So read more than you write, learn all that your curiosity can handle and study everything that came before you.

Transform large amounts of information into knowledge and apply it as wisdom. Stand on the shoulders of giants that came before you, and you will reach greater heights.

Everyone should think after reading, and fact check before speaking or posting.

Because the world is full of clever people that sadly, never think.

Join us at Humanity Dawns, where we bring to light the darker parts of our humanity.



Daan Arisz
Humanity Dawns

Interesting thoughts and side notes on life in general; I write them fearlessly. I edit them mercilessly.