Necrophilia — Crime or Condition?

In defense of those that defile the dead

Abel C.
Humanity Dawns


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

It’s been a long day at work, and all you want is to get back home and crack open a cold one. Necrophiliacs are the same — except coffins are way harder to open than beer cans. Unlucky, huh?

Contrary to popular belief, necrophilia is not that straightforward a condition; it exists in a spectrum. In the fifth edition of the all-too-reliable Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), there is a ten-tier classification of necrophilia:

  1. Role Players — people who get aroused when pretending their live partner is dead during sexual activity.
  2. Romantic Fecrophiliacs — bereaved people who remain attached to their dead lover’s body.
  3. Necrophiliac Fantasizers people who fantasize about necrophilia, but never actually have sex with a corpse.
  4. Tactile Necrophiliacs — people who are aroused by touching or stroking a corpse, without engaging in intercourse.
  5. Fetishistic Necrophiliacs — people who remove objects (e.g., panties or a tampon) or body parts (e.g., a finger or genitalia) from a corpse for sexual purposes, without engaging in intercourse.
  6. Necromutilomaniacs — people who derive pleasure from mutilating a corpse while masturbating…



Abel C.
Humanity Dawns

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