Planetary Criminals and Their Intent

Complex planetary systems can be created with criminal intent

Mike Meyer
Humanity Dawns


by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ November 23, 2019

Dealing with Trump and his party as another part of the climate crisis is what we need to do. Maybe the best way to approach our interrelated problems. In many ways, Trump and his ilk are both a product and symptom of the early stages of civilizational collapse. This will only get worse.

We are dealing with complexity and nonlinear processes. While this is very difficult for us to manage it is possible. Attempting to establish tools to deal with these types of problems is the biggest human process problem that we face. Civilizational failure and, in the worst case, human extinction is what we need to avoid.

The first thing that will require is learning to accept the scope of the problem. Despite our instinctive tendencies, not to mention decades of apocalyptic stories and films, this is not going to be a clean cometary collision or massive alien invasion that will be fought to a standstill in a year. It is going to be continuous, growing, incremental disasters with the constant social decline, human organizational decay, and death.

One of our largest issues is acknowledging the reality that we are in while redefining how we visualize a…



Mike Meyer
Humanity Dawns

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at