Abel Chan, Humanity Dawns, 2020. Image Courtesy of Artist Himself.

Publish with Humanity Dawns

Join us in bringing to light the darker parts of our humanity

Abel C.
Humanity Dawns
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


In Sigmund Freud’s classic, Civilization and Its Discontents, he postulates that being part of a civilized society is what safeguards us from personal chaos, from being dominated by our amoral id. That communal authorities exist not only to protect us from others’ impulses but our own as well.

However, this protection comes at a high price — our discontent. We suppress our pleasure-seeking instincts, rejecting all that we deem twisted. With zealous vigor, we shun perfectly natural impulses such as the thirst for power, revenge, conquest, even reckless expression of sexual desire. We reject them as despicable, labeling and dismissing them as the dark side of our humanity; a part of us so abhorrent that it best be hidden from others, and when possible, ourselves.

But the unfortunate truth is this: if we do not face the totality of what it means to be human, we can never fully appreciate our deep desire for meaning and purpose in our lives. We have created a modern society that is fitting for the ideal man. Perhaps now, we are ready to take the next step and create one fit for humanity.

What are we looking for?



Abel C.
Humanity Dawns

If you like what you see, you can check out my little collection of short stories here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56040966-fragments