The end of an Era

…Or so it feels

Daan Arisz
Humanity Dawns
2 min readFeb 16, 2020


That point where the world is feeling skewed beyond your control. I am learning now that nothing will stay the same, and that life is ever changing. You can’t stop it from happening; all you can do is change how you feel about it.

None of this might be news to anyone, and besides, who is waiting for what I have to say or write? Sometimes, writing feels like a very selfish enterprise, but there is also comfort in the thought that after I’ve written it down, the thought has left me and disappeared into the digital oblivion to make room for new ideas. And maybe someone will read this and have an “ah-ha!” moment. We are a story-telling species after all.

I’ve always had that approach to the music I wrote. I made it for myself foremost, and if you enjoy listening to it you are welcome to be along for the ride.

But now that my default medium of telling stories musically is becoming harder to do, I need to re-calibrate my creative outlet.

It’s like a drive that is inside me to tell me view of the world. And for years it was easier to use music for that, because it’s a shared human experience to communicate emotions by harmony.

To some it might be the hardest thing to express themselves in, but I always found it to be a nice place to hide away from the attention, but also to tell my story.

I never could write lyrics. So I had to make due with strings and keys and depend on others for the words and the vocals. Ironically it’s starting to look that words might be my new way to tell stories.

We all have to start somewhere, and this is where a new start begins for me. I hope you will be along for the ride.

I will promise to write without fear and edit without mercy.


Join us at Humanity Dawns, where we bring to light the darker parts of our humanity.



Daan Arisz
Humanity Dawns

Interesting thoughts and side notes on life in general; I write them fearlessly. I edit them mercilessly.