Announcing the Mattereum summary white paper

Rob Knight
Mattereum - Humanizing the Singularity
2 min readNov 2, 2018

This week, we released the Mattereum summary white paper. It is the result of a year’s work on the problems of smart contract enforcement and the transfer of property using smart contracts.

In it, we describe a system for managing contractual rights in assets of all kinds — including tokenization of those rights. That system is the Mattereum Smart Property Register, a blockchain-based register of contractual rights in assets. This is the system that will power blockchain-based trade, investment and real-world business deals.

It’s a brief document, so if you want to know what it says then I’d suggest just reading it! However, some brief highlights:

  • We introduce the concept of the automated custodian, a software system with legal control over assets, driven entirely by code and smart contracts
  • We explain how a network of registrars — legal entities whose contracts are entirely specified on-chain — collaborate to create this system
  • We describe the asset passport, the identity record for assets which acts as the hub for provenance records, proofs of existence, ownership and insurance, and relationships to contracts and tokens
Mattereum Asset Passports

The paper also draws on our work with our partners and customers over the last year. We will be announcing further partnerships soon, and if you’re interested in using the Smart Property Register for your app or project, you should get in touch at

