6 Ways to Show Kindness to Your Significant Other

Hannah Bittner
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2019

In relationships, don’t we all want to feel loved and cared for? Well of course we do! As a married woman, nothing makes me feel happier than when my husband is showing kindness to me through the way he loves and cares for me. There are so many simple things we can do for our significant others that will make them feel truly loved, AND will strengthen our relationships. Today I wanted to share 6 simple ways that we can show kindness to our partners.

1. Leave sweet notes on their pillow.

My husband works nights, so I love to leave little notes on his pillow for when he gets home and goes to bed. I’ll write a quick note reminding him how much I love him, telling him how cute he is, or saying I can’t wait to spend time with him later. He really appreciates those simple, little notes!

2. Take some stress off of them, by doing extra chores around the house.

My husband and I both really try to help each other out when life gets stressful. When I was teaching and super busy, he would always wash the dishes and that meant SO much to me. Now that he’s more busy than I am, I make sure the house always stays clean, so that he doesn’t have extra chores to do. There are so many things you can do with this — do their laundry, vacuum, do the dishes, etc. This helps us show appreciation towards each other, by taking care of the home.

3. Surprise them with a gift.

My husband is the king of surprises. It warms my heart and makes me feel so happy when I find flowers in the kitchen, or a package of the book I’ve been wanting in the mail. Such a simple thing to do that has such a huge impact!

4. Cook a new meal for them.

I love surprising my husband with a brand new meal that I tried making just for him. This shows that you were thinking about them, and wanted to do something thoughtful. There are so many easy, yummy, and unique recipes on Pinterest to try!

5. Give them alone time.

Let’s be honest, we all love a little quiet, alone time to ourselves. That can be hard to get when you’re in a relationship. My husband and I both really enjoy our alone time, and he has been so gracious by giving me extra alone time when I need it. For example, he has offered to run some errands while I stay home, take a bath, and just relax. Those little moments of allowing your partner to have space can mean so much!

6. Tell them how much you admire them.

We all need to be loved through words of affirmation. With all the busyness of life, it can be easy to not make this a priority in a relationship. Take some time to sit with your partner and remind them of how you feel about them. I think one of the best ways to do that is saying “I really admire you because__.” Another one that means a lot is, “I really appreciate you because__.” Your partner NEEDS to be reminded of the admiration and appreciation you have for them. And it’s such a simple and kind thing we can do for them!

I’d love to hear YOUR stories of how you show or receive kindness. To connect with me, just email: hannahbittner.business@gmail.com



Hannah Bittner

Helping women live healthy & purposeful lifestyles | choose kindness | wife | KOYA