A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

courtney ruth
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2019

Did you know that kindness actually improves your health? It’s true! Being kind to others enhances your overall wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at the 3 most notable ways that kindness can positively impact your health and how you can incorporate more kindness into your life.

Note: Though health benefits are always a plus, genuine kindness expects nothing in return. That being said, it is cool to see what happens at the cellular level when people choose to be kind.

Kindness makes you feel good

When you are kind to others, your body’s serotonin levels rise; in turn, this gives you the feeling of a “helper’s high,” or increased satisfaction and well-being.

Kindness can reduce the risk of heart problems

Kindness is good for your heart — literally! When you are kind to others and make them feel better, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin expands your blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure and reduces the risk of problems such as stroke and heart attacks that can be caused by high blood pressure and constricted blood vessels.

Kindness reduces anxiety

No one likes to feel anxious, and that is where being kind comes in! Researchers who studied the impact that happiness has on your health found that kindness can increase a person’s positive affect, or their experience of moods on a positive spectrum such as joy. A higher positive affect decreases anxiety, particularly social anxiety, so being kind to others will in turn help you feel less anxious around people.

Incorporate more kindness into your life…

So, it’s a fact: kindness is good for you! But how do you actually incorporate more kind acts and kindness into your life? Thankfully, it’s not too hard once you stop and think about all the ways that you can make someone's day! If you’re having trouble, consider the following ideas.

Send a letter

Handwritten notes are rare these days, but people love receiving mail! Think about it. Mailboxes are mostly flooded with coupons and bills, sprinkle some kindness in there!

Give a Compliment

It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day! A kinder world simply looks like loving the people in front of us — one person at a time. Years ago, I told an elderly woman in the spice aisle that she was beautiful. She then cried next to the cardamom and paprika while onlookers chimed in to validate the obvious truth. Unbeknownst to us, no one had ever told her that she was beautiful. It was a precious moment from which I’ll probably never recover.

“If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it.” — Ruthie Lindsey

Send a gift

Sending people gifts is a great way to let them know that you are thinking about them, whether they live right next door and you see them every day or they live far away. One of my former roommates is the queen of snail mail. While living with her, I witnessed her slowly fill up empty bins with goodies and then take them to the post office to send them off. I have received several packages from her since moving away and my oxytocin is still elevated from the kind gesture!

Pay for the coffee behind you

Feeling generous? Pay for the person behind you in line!

Send a song

Music can bring sunshine to even the cloudiest of days, so why not share that happiness? It can be a favorite song or something new that you think they might like! The point is if you think about someone take a moment to let them know.

A little kindness goes a long way! Please share your ideas below.

If you have questions or want to get in touch I’d love to connect. You can reach me here: courtney@getkoya.com.



courtney ruth

Co-founder of KOYA Innovations. Samba admirer. Prosecco lover. Adventure enthusiast. On a mission to make Thursdays everyone's favorite day of the week!