Be-Living while believing: might could aim to potentially soon do, …
and might could next hear…
Every millisecond of living, every person does change minding, attending, and sensing, plus holding in doubt (not an active “to” verb) out then, thus changes contents of molecules and worded ideas, continually, for those applicable, presently.
Beware Energize: static level of power millisecond fluctuations mutliplied over timespans, very short, suggested. /* -able suffix means much later available for pure-chase, purchase, conflict between options, welfare recovered well */ Continuing, airbreathing, blowing engines that use suction, processes plenty of nitrogen meth/lyation we all do, presently, and kcal value has none, without personal care breathing, self-feeding, self-swallowing, and self-drinking. Multiplying of multiple groupings (rather than timings) of estimated beverage and food intake, per day, does indicate that most material presence and ways are replenished, not repaired cells, and newly built, by potentially and feasibly between 80% and 98%, stab/ility, of no tie downs, excepting a full four years until molecules, of chemical categories are flown through. Throughput of powers and energies ought not be put in a conservation zone. ‘Fosfers Guidlines’ ATP is prevalent, in living, as among lifeforms in general zones. Various searches for P element, feasible, better for my usages, selecting recent months:
Intermission, or recess: “Kid Charlamagne” digital audio track, on streaming services, if paid in advance, or if not at option, then as availing preconditioned.
Illuminati, of a great many lumens, I disclaim. Lucide/lust/rator, elucidative, is self-evident. Lucidels. In fiction fantasy reading, of the early 1980’s, I most self-identify, my midbrain identity, decayotic entropically, with Xanth and Juxtaposition Demesne Grey, hybrid “Bink Stile,” splitting in fines.
Slippage Or, not XOR, nor EOR Intermission: recommended, at option and full reject-ability, reading: Piers Anthony’s “A Spell for Chameleon”, and “Split Infinity”.
This titling delivery and providing of ideations, more than of one word, has been a short nonfiction story self-related. As informally and uwise to very well coordinate, partway pre-provided and advocated vocationally, by radio operators governmental.
I am a person Re-leased to Self-Duty, citi/zen style, 24/7 of personal person, and thrival radical leftism, and not revealing intimate personal encounter details on the internet.
This has been, an inte/grit/true a/theo/logical approach, from locality zone Aurora, Colorado — positional of posture. In-terror-gated-ism has already gotten around. My personally relocation to a new locale, to a new domicile, is not the same as most recent movement of one’s body interior to the home, thence clasping the hasp, and leaving the hasp, unattended.
Those toughened unto, do get going, in varied ways. Hard concrete bipedal walking, does better avec blue jeans.
As all this typing has been, of personal opinion of no pretense of worship-able as reference writer, in my obvious to me opinion, worship is performed toward the worshiper (of) himself or herself, and when persons of any philosophical or religious fair or unfair bent, rant against other religions or lack thereof, then Devil (self-worship) is whilst the task/mission-fan of burning others, in the quadrology theory. I am no more-man than any.