An award win, and Proof of Value recommendations

Ciara MacCooey
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2019


Spending the majority of time on delivery means the cadence of these updates are not as regular as I would like hence another bumper edition. Here’s a short synopsis of my last couple of weeks….


I attended the Enterprise Business Awardslast week, where I was a finalist for the Startup Entrepreneur Award. Unfortunately, I didn’t win this year, but the fun is always in the taking part! Neal Gandhi and Oliver Rigby won the Team of the Year Award in recognition of the amazing work they have done at The Panoply. What a fantastic event, I met some really wonderful people. Huge thanks to Stifel and our host George for making it such a fun evening. To see some highlights from the event click here:


We have set up a human+ office in Bulgaria and went out there a couple of weeks ago to induct some of our new staff into the human+ way of doing things. It was important for me to have both the UK and Bulgarian team together for the first time creating a sense of shared purpose. The team have hit the ground running and are already busy delivering processes for one of our clients.


For those of you regularly following my updates, you will be aware that I spend 60% of time on client delivery for one of our partners. We are making good progress with UAT coming to a conclusion on a couple of processes. In parallel to this we are building out two processes with another two to start in the next week or so. The majority of the processes we are automating right now sit with HR and are focused on payroll activities. The HR team are incredibly engaged and are really looking forward to Val the ‘virtual assistant’ joining the HR team :-) Once we are complete one of the main benefits is that the HR team will now have time to focus on income generating activities for the organisation.

In addition, we have also been supporting our customer to map out how RPA should be supported once we move our first process into the live environment. There have been a lot of workshops but I think we now have an agreed approach.


The rest of my week has seen me all over the country visiting prospective clients and talking all things RPA. We also have a number of Proof of Values (PoV) in the pipeline which I shall keep you updated on as we get going. And it’s got me thinking that my next blog with be on sharing my thoughts and giving you guidance in running a PoV in great detail, for those who want to get a head start.

