Week note #3 RPA,Delivery, PoV

Ciara MacCooey
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2019

Easter holidays coupled with an incredibly busy schedule, alot of which was spent in transit, means I’ve missed a week note, so this is a bumper edition. Here’s a short synopsis of my last couple of weeks….


We kicked off another Proof of Value ( PoV) with a new customer last week. To ensure everyone is on the same page we typically do a quick overview of what RPA is. My colleague delivered this introduction so it was an opportunity for me to sit back and observe. I noticed a number of attendee eyes glazing over until the point at which we showed a video demonstration of how the system worked. It was a light bulb moment for most people sitting in the room including me. We spend so much time trying to explain to people what RPA is when in actual fact maybe we don’t need all the words. A video demonstration of RPA, using tools that people are familiar with really does paint a thousand words. We’ve agreed going forward to keep this introduction simple and to start with the video demonstration. We have a short window in which to grab our audiences attention so why complicate it with verbose.


The topic of engagement comes up time and time again, both at an SME and strategic level. In an ideal world the operational side of the business owns and runs their processes with governance and oversight from IT. What I’m finding is that operational managers really get process automation and see the benefit this will add and are therefore generally very engaged. The issue seems to be in getting the rest of the business on board. I think that’s where a PoV+ approach can really benefit organisations. It provides an opportunity to automate a process that demonstrates the capability and to determine if the technology will provide benefits.

This approach has proven very beneficial for a couple of our clients, providing a platform to engage with the wider business and helping to demystify the skepticism around this technology.


We had our inaugural human+ board meeting just over a week ago which was a huge milestone for us. It has been a whirlwind couple of months for human+ and whilst we have achieved a huge amount in a short period of time, we have set ourselves some challenging targets for the coming year and the support of our board members is integral to our success. It was a week of firsts, we also had our first formal management meeting and spent quite a chunk of time reviewing our marketing strategy for the coming year.


As mentioned in previous week notes, I spend a large proportion of my time on client delivery for one of our partners. My week was full of the usual stakeholder meetings, UAT sessions and our monthly programme board.

The build of our first process is complete and we have commenced build for another two processes. This is a fairly big project so whilst trying to maintain momentum we are also implementing a number of changes to help improve the overall delivery cycle. I’ll expand more on this in the coming weeks.


My team is already expanding, not bad given we only officially launched two months ago. We are looking for a junior RPA developer to join our team based here in the UK. A link to the job can be found here: https://human-plus.co.uk/blog/were-hiring-a-junior-automation-developer

If you are interested or know someone who may be interested in this role please email me directly: ciara.maccooey@human-plus.co.uk

