Weeknote#5 RPA, Enterprise Business Awards,Delivery

Ciara MacCooey
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2019

Spending the majority of time on delivery means the cadence of these updates are not as regular as I would like hence another bumper edition. Here’s a short synopsis of my last couple of weeks….


I spoke at a breakfast lightening briefing hosted by Manifesto one of our sister companies at the Gherkin which never ceases to disappoint. The aim of the event was to educate Not for profit attendees on

1. What is RPA?,

2. Why it matters to your organisation and

3. How we engage employees through the RPA adoption

All within a lightening 10 minutes! The session went well, the company was great and the venue was exceptional.

Looking very serious at the lightening talk


I’m delighted to announce that through my work with human+ I’ve been shortlisted for the Enterprise Business Awards. This came as a real surprise and I’m looking forward to the awards ceremony at the end of June. My colleague James Herbert CEO of Notbinary won the public sector award last year, little did I think that in a years time that it would be me.


For those of you regularly following my updates, you will be aware that I spend 60% of time on client delivery for one of our partners. We have successfully moved into testing for our second process. It’s gone really well which I think is a combination of our revised approach but also the team we are working with are highly engaged. We are aiming to sign off UAT next week which is very exciting. In parallel we are also planning for ‘Go Live’ and mapping out what the support approach/ structure needs to look like.


Being such a newly established business and still fairly small there is lots going on. Recently, I’ve been consumed with month end/financial activities for human+. We are also having discussions around how we improve equality & diversity within not only human+ but across the Panoply. It’s important for us to get this right, we have a plan and have set ourselves some challenging targets over the next 12 months.


You may remember me referencing Barbara the Robot in previous updates. The Proof of Value ( PoV) was a resounding success, so much so that it is with great pleasure that I can announce that Barbara went live this week. The timing couldn’t be better as we are entering the team’s peak workload period. The introduction of a robot for this process means the team can expect to see processing times improve by 80%, freeing them up to focus on more value added activities. The main driver in selecting this particular process was twofold; to create some resilience within the service to be able to deal with peaks and troughs in demand; and to remove a cumbersome process from manual processing to highlight the benefits that RPA and to show how that human workers can benefit from this technology.

