Tears Of The Unashamed

A poem about openly showing your emotions to heal yourself.

Tas (they/them)
Humans Are Stories
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2022


A man in a suit crying and wiping the tear from one eye.
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

It hit like a sword to its victim,
Busting through the armor of old.
Sharp and dull consuming my mind,
The rivers pour forth.

Salty angels rolling softly,
Sounds of humming leave my lips.
The burning of the wet drops,
It feels like I am walking in the mist.

You never know when it will happen,
But it is freeing when it does.
Don’t fight the waves that come.
Let it overtake you.

Kept inside it festers,
Rotting, like you become cursed.
The little soft drops on your cheek,
Those tears will release the curse on your soul.

Many will say that tears are shameful.
Don’t cry, bury your pain, they command.
They are wrong, block them out!
Tears are angels soothing your mind.

The only way to rid of the darkness,
Is to let it out.
When the dewy mist leaves your eyes,
That is when you start the path to true freedom.



Tas (they/them)
Humans Are Stories

Tas is an autistic horror writer with a deep love for science fiction and body horror.