The Journey of Parenthood: From Carefree to Responsible

A Poem of Reflection and Growth

Chris Duarte
Humans Are Stories
2 min readMar 12, 2023


Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

Becoming a parent for the first time,
Is a journey that fills your heart with chime.
The feeling of holding your baby in your arms,
Can make you forget all your past harms.

But with this joy comes a great responsibility,
A role that requires constant humility.
From the first cry to the first step,
Every moment is a test of your prep.

You learn to change diapers with ease,
To feed your baby and help them sleep with peace.
You realize how much you can sacrifice,
To make sure your little one thrives.

Your priorities change,
As you embrace this new range.
No longer can you be carefree,
Your actions must reflect your responsibility.

You teach your child right from wrong,
To be kind, respectful, and strong.
You set boundaries and provide guidance,
Ensuring their safety and compliance.

The journey of parenthood is not an easy one,
But with love and dedication, it can be fun.
You learn from your mistakes and grow with each day,
Becoming a better parent in every way.

So embrace this new role with open arms,
And let your heart be filled with charms.
For this journey is one of a kind,
A beautiful bond that will forever bind.

After 15 years of parenthood, I’ve only just discovered the joy of being a responsible parent. There were a ton of missed opportunities over that time, but we can’t go back and do it again, better this time.

Looking forward now to the future, I’m focused like never before.

Our kids deserve the best from us, and we should want the best for them. There is no greater feeling than knowing that every second of my time is dedicated to fulfilling those two goals.

I’m so grateful to my kids for showing me that.

Thank you for reading.



Chris Duarte
Humans Are Stories

Chris Duarte: Entrepreneur & Tax Pro. Sharing lessons from business and life through storytelling. Join my journey of discovery and growth.