How Learning Multiple Skills Helps You Survive (and Maybe Build Wealth).

The days of the generalist and specialist are gone. Today we need to be multi-specialists.

Polishing your skills as a dog walker alongside how to treat dogs in case of illness, etc. can provide for you in an emergency. Pixabay Pixabay

In our world today, no job is safe. It doesn’t matter how far up or down the ladder it is. It doesn’t matter whether five years ago, it was a rare and highly paid skill. Our world is changing so fast that what worked last week is not a guarantee that it will work this week.

Nor can we be assured that if our high-level job is replaced by AI that we will be able to get a job waiting tables until we can find a new position. Low level jobs are disappearing faster than pancakes in a pancake shop. Today, the need is for multi-specialists — those people who have half a dozen specialist skills that can be adapted in a hurry to suit a situation. Some of them can be related, but in case a particular field goes south to banana-land, you will need something else to fall back on.

Below is an example of half a dozen skills which will always ensure that you have work of one sort or another.

Me — when computers were part of my life. Own photo

IT Skills — Coding, FX, Cloud, Photoshop…



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
Humans being Humane

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.