Why People Hate Their Jobs

Internationally, 75% to 95% hate their work. There’s a reason.

The boss man is the number one reason people hate their jobs. Pixabay.

From time to time, we see the statistics of yet another poll on whether people love, like, or hate their jobs. It appears that, regardless of country, the vast majority of people hate their jobs. Yet the media is full of articles about how one must be passionate about one’s job, and how this passion leads to success. Business owners advertise for people with passion, and business owners tell how happy they are in their work. In fact, the happiest people are business owners, and the most stressed are middle management. They are caught between the demands of the ownership class and the despair of the working class.

We work because we need the money to survive. That’s the only reason we put up with the terrible stress that our jobs engender in our lives.

The Problem Must be the Jobs — Not the People.

When the numbers are this high, there is not even remotely the possibility that this is a problem of attitude, laziness, stupidity, or a lack of suitable skills. The problem is the ownership class — their attitudes, their lack of ethics, their bullying of their staff, the underpay, the lack of fairness in granting rest (sick leave,vacation leave,emergency leave), and their fundamental inhumanity…



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
Humans being Humane

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.