Friends Without Filters

Connor McCluskey
Humans of DePaul
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2017
Peach (left) and Katherine (right)

“She’s so like unfiltered and just straight up and she’ll just dance in public or sing in public.. or.. I don’t want to say bubbly but..” — K

“– but yeah she’s right people do say that. People always call me bubbly but I don’t really think that. I don’t like living with a filter. I don’t like being like oh no people will think I’m a weirdo! “ — P

“Yeah there’s no difference for her between public or private, she’s just always the same person” — K

“Yeah I live my life as is, all the time. It’s never like oh we’re on the CTA we can’t have this conversation! And I mean sometimes that can get us into some predicaments…“ — P

Isabelle “Peach” Gallant and Katherine Franksen, Freshmen at DePaul University

