DevSecOps Insights with DevOps Institute Global Ambassador, Felipe Dueñas

Advancing the Humans of DevOps
The Humans of DevOps
3 min readOct 7, 2020

DevOps Institute Ambassadors are volunteers from across the globe who want to help advance the career opportunities in IT and support emerging practices within the DevOps community based on a human-centered SKIL Framework, consisting of Skills, Knowledge, Ideas, and Learning.

These individuals are advocates for the “Humans of DevOps” and are industry pioneers who are passionate about the DevOps movement, are recognized DevOps subject matter experts and who voluntarily contribute to the Collaborative Body of Knowledge (CBok) of DevOps.

Today, we are proud to feature an Ambassador from Ecuador, Felipe Dueñas, consultant at agile-fd.

Below, we asked Felipe to share insights around DevSecOps trends and challenges, as well as personal goals and special DevOps moments.

Felipe specializes in strategically aligning technology and business teams. He helps implement new technology processes with a DevOps vision frequently driving new organizational structure. He’s also an expert in strategic migration from monolithic applications to microservice based architectures.

(You can connect with Felipe directly at @felidue on Twitter or on LinkedIn).

Q: What are the top skills needed to practice DevSecOps?

DevSecOps requires everyone to acquire core competencies in security testing and risk management. DevSecOps also demands that security personnel bone up on their baseline knowledge of how developers operate and the constraints these software engineers face. Security people must meet the development team halfway on bridging the knowledge gap. It is important to evaluate tooling and processes to fit better into the continuous delivery process.

Top skills needed to practice DevSecOps, among others:

  • Strong Communication and Collaboration Skills
  • Empathy and Unselfishness
  • Resilience
  • Software Security Skills
  • Customer-Centric Mindset

Q: What do you see as the single biggest DevSecOps challenge right now, and what is your advice for overcoming it?

The single biggest DevSecOps challenge right now is creating a shared vision and aligning objectives within DevSecOps Teams. It means to quit wasting time on ”turf wars”, divest ego, and move to open doors and mindfulness. Culture is the key for overcoming traditional barriers. System thinking means a different approach; we have to balance priorities, consider resilience, and keep in mind that cooperation has to overcome competition.

Q: As an ambassador, what are your goals for helping to advance the humans of DevOps?

I absolutely agree with Jayne Groll, CEO of DevOps Institute, “Human transformation is the single most critical success factor to enable DevOps practices and patterns for enterprise IT organizations.”

According to the report released by the DevOps Institute, 2020 Upskilling: Enterprise DevOps Skills Report, the DevOps human must have a hybrid set of skills since process skills and knowledge (69%), automation skills (67%) and human skills (61%) are the top three must-have skill categories in 2020.

With this in mind, my main challenge is to help in the awareness of business leaders about the need to develop core human competencies at the rate that technology evolves. We cannot ignore the profound changes implied by artificial intelligence for example, and not continue to cultivate emotional intelligence and the ability of human beings to look at things based on emotion, feeling and respect.

Q: Can you share a proud “DevOps” moment you’ve had?

On Wednesday August 26, 2020, there was a webinar where the new version of the DevSecOps course: DevSecOps Fundamentals, was presented. It was a moment of great excitement because I was part of the team that worked on structuring the new course. I was lucky enough to participate with great professionals such as Helen Beal, Rinku Sachdeva, Mark Peters, and Shlomo Bielak. Thanks to the DevOps Institute for the initiative and the opportunity with the ambassadors.

DevOps Institute has declared October as AI and MLOps month! Stay tuned for details on our next Global Ambassador Crowdchat and be sure to join the next Virtual SKILup Day on October 15.

Originally published at on October 7, 2020.

