Software Industry Insights from DevOps Institute Global Ambassador, Amanda Pinto

Advancing the Humans of DevOps
The Humans of DevOps
4 min readJul 1, 2020

DevOps Institute Ambassadors are volunteers from across the globe that want to help advance the career opportunities in IT and support emerging practices within the DevOps community based on a human-centered SKIL Framework, consisting of Skills, Knowledge, Ideas, and Learning.

These individuals are advocates for the “Humans of DevOps” and are industry pioneers who are passionate about the DevOps movement, are recognized DevOps subject matter experts and who voluntarily contribute to the Collective Body of Knowledge (CBok) of DevOps.

This week, we are proud to feature an Ambassador from Brazil, Amanda Pinto, a head of technology with an MBA in agile methods and DevOps.

Below, we asked Amanda a few questions about her career in tech, improvements in the software delivery industry, a proud “DevOps moment”, and her goals as an ambassador for helping the Humans of DevOps.

Amanda is a professional agile coach with expertise in culture, automation and integrating people and operations to generate value throughout the production cycle. She is the community advocate organizer of DevOps Belo Horizonte and the CNCF Belo Horizonte Community Organizer. She is also the DevOps trail coordinator and a co-founder of DevOps Bootcamp, a DevOps tools training project.

(You can connect with Amanda directly via Twitter at @AmandaSPinto or LinkedIn).

Q: How did you start your career in tech?

I graduated a very early in Information Technology, so I started my internship in my area of expertise, this allowed me to experience everything I learned in technical laboratories, develop new skills and understand the demands that existed in the market at that time. I was conquering new skills and competences according to the experiences made and the challenges have emerged in my way. All the skills I gained would define my future choices.

Q: What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career and why?

My biggest challenge was being able to reconcile my studies with work. Often due to positions in the companies, project that were under my responsibility, my schedules were not compatible with the studies I needed to carry out. But none of this prevented me from achieving all of them. I always had clear goals and defined objectives.

Q: What is your response to someone who says “DevOps won’t work here”

It won’t really work, this person is correct! This is my answer.

Because DevOps, requires choice!

DevOps requires resignation!

DevOps requires you to forget the old and try to do something new !

Leave out the word “no”.

To do the “new”, we need to transform, we need to understand that DevOps is done with “people” by people”!

We need to break rules, silos and old paradigms and collaborate! Exercise the power of communication, decentralize and automate workflows.

Therefore, DevOps more than tools is a mindset.

It transforms destinations.

Q: What is the biggest advancement/improvement you have seen the software delivery industry make in the past 5 years?

* Implementation of Agile methodologies.

* Management 3.0

* DevOps

* DevSecOps / CloudSecurity

* Cloud Native

Q: Can you share a proud “DevOps moment” you’ve had?

Today I have many stories to tell!

Among them I choose two sensational stories:

I am most proud to organize the LARGEST DevOps community in Brazil, #DevOpsBH —

Today we have more than 12,000 members. We create opportunities, generate knowledge and change many destinations.

Through this incredible project I’ve met my friend and working partner André Almar, Linkedin: Andre Almar and together developed projects and dreams. DevOps Bootcamp: Linkedin.

A training project for the best #DevOps and #CloudNative tools on the market in a hands-on format. We train professionals through an innovative and practical methodology, being ready to generate value and innovation to the market.

As I said, DevOps transforms destinations!

Q: As a DevOps Ambassador, what are your goals for helping to advance the Humans of DevOps?

  • Disseminate DevOps’ community in the world and especially in Brazil where we are very active in the value of DevOps. How important it is to organizations and how much it transforms the business.
  • Disseminate articles, information, important content in order to promote understanding of the Institute’s values and vision.
  • Train the largest number of professionals in DevOps in Brazil through the courses offered by the Institute.
  • Generate job opportunities through partnerships with technology companies in Brazil.

DevOps Institute is dedicated to advancing the human elements of DevOps success through the SKIL Framework: Skills, Knowledge, Ideas, and Learning. Learn more.

Originally published at on July 1, 2020.

