Barrett Wickman ‘21

noor shirzadi
Humans of Duchesne
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2021

“I’m excited to have kind of a fresh start and get to know more people because I’ve been with the same people for about 8 or 14 years. It showed me what it’s like to have friends who are always there for you. I’ve gained some of my closest friends in the world. I love these girlies so much!! They have really helped me become who I am today, and I’m really grateful for them. Besides my friends, I feel like Duchesne has helped me prepare for life. It has helped me with time management. It really helped me get down to it when things were important and when things were difficult. It helped me learn to balance everything. It really taught me how to master time management, and it really helped me with my study habits. Duchesne helped me know what works for me, and what I needed help with, and the teachers are always there for us. @Mrs. Scorsone, go you! Duchesne has really prepared me for so many things, and especially for college! I’m actually really excited for college. I always thought I would be a little more scared once it came closer to like graduation, but I’m excited to graduate. I feel like my time here has really done its full course. So I’m really excited to kind of have a new beginning and meet new people at Texas Tech.”

