Isabel Maus
Humans of Duchesne
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2021


Andrea Garza Estebanez ‘25

“I have big dreams, and I want to accomplish them however I can. I want to be a good influence in the world. I want my own organization just like 4Ocean, WWF, Greenpeace, or any global non-profit organizations that are leading change. I want a company that helps pick up trash or recycles it. Maybe something with chemistry and finding a chemical to decompose plastic in the ocean without actually hurting the ocean and the animals. My project in the 6th grade Science Fair was actually dissolving eggshells. I basically took this egg and dissolved the outside so the outcome was this bouncy egg (which the Regis boys later popped). I want to find a component to dissolve like an eggshell but to keep the good inside. I want to dissolve the outside plastic in the ocean but not the inside, like the creatures and marine life. I think that this project definitely influenced me and gave me the idea of creating this element that could maybe save our ocean. After I study and in my later life, I want to give back to the world, make eco-friendly homes and eco-friendly resorts, and try to invent this thing so we can stop pollution and deforestation and actually do something about it. I also want to open up an orphanage for children! Duchesne has opened my mind to new ideas and new possibilities of what I could do in this world. I really can’t wait to start my journey and see what I can accomplish. But overall, my biggest dream is to succeed in life and to hopefully make an impact in our world.”

