Sophia Reininger

Lindsey Watson
Humans of Duchesne
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2021

11th Grade

“Easter has always been really important to my grandma because it connects her to her faith ’cause you know she’s Catholic. It’s like a time for her to be able to get her whole family together because family’s really important to all of us. It’s like all the things she loves. It’s important to all of us because she’s instilled that family value. When I was little and it was Easter the bunny would always bring confetti eggs. I remember one year I wore really big pink tulle skirts and we went across the street. My parents and I cracked confetti eggs on each other’s heads. I was pretty happy; I was like 4. Easter is still a happy holiday. One time my grandma rented two chicks and a bunny. The bunny’s name was Joy. Anyway, I don’t remember the chick’s names, but they imprinted on my mom or something weird and would follow her everywhere; it was really funny.”

