A Journey

FYS 1010
Humans of FYS
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017

Starting out as a first-year student at Wayne State I had been feeling just about every emotion possible. Excited and so eager to begin the next and arguably the most important chapter of my life. Yet, I was anxious and nervous of the work load I knew I was about to get hit with. As things started to get rolling I found myself adapting fairly well to the change of pace and the amounts of work I had been receiving. I found myself working hard to stay on top of my work and utilizing the provided resources to my advantage. I was finally developing the study skills and methods I needed to be a successful student. Prior to entering my first semester and FYS 1010 I lacked many study skills involving time management, prioritizing my work, and studying different subjects when needed. Through studying with friends and the skills we obtained through FYS, I quickly found myself developing better study skills and becoming a more productive student. I am becoming better with utilizing my time to its full potential and making time for all of my classes rather than just focusing in on one class. I find that it is much more satisfying and less stressful knowing that you are accomplishing all of your work rather than just putting all your energy towards one task. I felt strongly about the changes I was making and thrilled to be growing these skills that’ll help me throughout the remainder of my journey here as a student.

The biggest struggle so far that I have come across would simply be stressing over work. Not understanding something is such a frustrating and demeaning feeling. Nothing is worse than not understanding the material you are learning. Not understanding causes you to get frustrated and causes a loss of motivation to get your stuff done. I struggled with this especially in statistics this semester. Luckily, with the help of some peers and the knowledge I’ve gained through FYS, I quickly came to the realization that this wasn’t going to work and I needed to change. I got in some study groups and used some on campus resources to get back on track where I needed to be. Overall this semester was smooth and was a great start to my journey here at Wayne State.

