FYS 1010
Humans of FYS
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017

Coming into college was one of the scariest experiences ever. Coming into my classes not being able to fully know my teacher or students was frightening. My study skills have changed drastically throughout the year. First off studying was rough. I was very confused on how to study with so much content being thrown at you, so I just tried. I stayed in the library day by day and just processed the information I learned there. After taking this class, I learned that’s not they way you want to process the information. You take weeks to process chapter of lessons. Making schedules for my week is something that I picked up that helps me so much to stay on schedule. Also, I learned how to properly take notes. In my lecture classes, I make sure I have at least three questions every five slides. But I also make sure that my cell phone is packed away in my backpack, and I have paper and pencil and make sure I can summarize all the information in less amount of words. Once being able to do that I use a website called Quizlet in order to keep the information flowing through my mind, while being able to play a game.

Many challenges have impacted my academic success, from health, to family problems, and just being lazy. From this though, I was able to tackle all the health problems, but for procrastination, I was able to solve it by having all my friends motivate me and fully finding out what my purpose for studying is. After I found that, I felt I am more comfortable now learning and studying.

Throughout this semester, I learned a lot about myself as a learner. I learned that procrastination is within me. Also, I learned that if I don’t have enough motivation I tend to just not want to do anything at all, which has changed over the semester, but still needs some time to fully get rid of. Also, I tend to go out a lot on weekends knowing that I had work to finish, so being able to tell my friends no and doing the work instead is one that I can learn a lot about. Work usually got in the way of learning as well. If I’m able to take away many of my distractions and balance work, as a learner I would be top notch. Becoming a learner takes a long time with a deep process that I’m willing to take for my future, family, and loved ones!

