Trevor T.

FYS 1010
Humans of FYS
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2017

Hello there, my name is Trevor and I have just about completed my very first semester here at Wayne State University. The journey so far has been a bit wild and stressful but at the same time it has been worth it. I have changed as I learned a lot of valuable advice this semester that will help guide me through the rest of my career. I’d like to say that the majority of the advice I’ve received over the semester that I kept with me came from my FYS (First Year Seminar) class that I took. In FYS I was taught how to be a better student such that I learned study skills, time management skills, and more so that I could make my life as a student not as awful as it needs to be. One way I’ve changed as a student throughout the semester with the help of my FYS class is my time management. At the very beginning of the semester I didn’t think much about time management and never did it until now because my FYS instructor explained to me how much easier it can make my life and how to do it. Now I typically write in my planner everything I have to do for my classes and what times work for me in my day to get that work done as well as planning time for myself to relax and do other things such as eat and sleep. Therefore, I can get my work done and not stress over having assignments late.

During my academic evolution through my first semester at Wayne State University, I’ve found myself overcoming challenges that I struggled with over my high school years. For instance, throughout high school I always struggled with keeping myself motivated to do homework and study rather than other activities. There have been multiple cases where I would have homework due the next day in a class and come home from school to get lured into playing video games instead of doing my homework. I overcame this challenge by setting goals for myself and finding a place to work with less distractions all of which I took away from a class discussion in FYS. I started setting goals for myself to get homework done a couple days before its due and started going to the library after class so that I could work on homework and not play video games at the same time, thus allowing me to keep up to speed on all the homework I was receiving. In conclusion, I’ve took in a lot of valuable advice from this semester and have continued to become a better student.

