
Humans of Josephine
3 min readJul 6, 2016

I love my kitchen. That love is in the food. There are no preservatives…

“I was a personal chef in the corporate world and television production for 30 years but when the economy went south in ’09 I had the rug pulled out from under me. I thought I was going to be there until the cobwebs came and that I’d retire there so it was like ‘holy fuck! what am I going to do?’. I had never done anything else…ever. It took about a year of unemployment and soul searching for me to figure out what I was gonna do. I ended up going to a short term cooking school in San Francisco and started doing personal chef work and catering when I could. A friend told me about Josephine and it was perfect. People come to me and I get to cook in my kitchen. I love my kitchen. That love is in the food. There’s no preservatives in my food.”

“I zeroed in on Thursday as a day to do once a week cooking. I’ve developed a really nice following around the neighborhood. Some people even come down from Berkeley. I like to make a protein, starch, and a green. I do add ons because I love to make sweets.”

“Did your parents teach you how to cook?”

“My mother was a product of the 50s. Everything was modernized. Frozen food in the TV trays…you know the salisbury steak and mashed potato plates you’d pop in the oven. Canned pineapple with a dollop of miracle whip and then sprinkle some grated cheddar cheese on it…that was a salad.”

“I cook healthy mediterranean influenced food. I’ve done tandoori chicken. I’ve done greek meatballs. I do braised chicken in a red wine sauce. I did an Argentinian flank steak with a chimichurri sauce. I could repeat meals but I want to do something different every week.”

“Sounds like you like to travel. Is that where you picked up all these recipes?”

“Yeah, I like to travel. One time when I was living in the middle east when I was 18 we lived in Iran, this would have been back in the 60s, pre-revolution. It was very potent exposure to food and culture after living in white bread Ohio. I realized then that I was a citizen of the world.”

“I realized that I’ve lived over two thirds of my life and I feel good about the experiences I’ve had. Especially making a new work life with Josephine. They’re always so encouraging and I feel like that positive energy helped empower me to do this. After this, I’m going to travel with my wife. I think we’re going to go to Asia in October.”

Find out what your neighbors are cooking at

Originally published at on July 6, 2016.



Humans of Josephine

Home cooked food from your neighbors. Trying to create a more inclusive and equitable food system. #OaklandProud.