The Superheroes of MICA.

Humans Of MICA
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2019

This post is dedicated to the ones who make it possible for the Humans Of MICA to survive the 24 months at MICA.

All around us starting from the main gate to the end laundry room, we have Avengers in civilian uniforms guarding our AREA FIFTY-1.

Thakur Chacha has held the position at the gate for a timeless period now, the bench awaits his presence every day at 0600 hours.

The support staff has always made its presence felt even if a switch at the hostel stops working while completing assignments, a tap runs out of water when getting late for the meetings, an ankle twists while rushing to the classes. These people come dressed not in capes rather wearing a warm smile to calm you down and help you with the pace you are stuck with.

Be it the midnight hunger or a birthday treat or a pre snack during the tests, Anand Bhai and T-Bro aka Trinath are there working in shifts to shift your concentration from the gobbling sounds of your stomach to the task in hand.

Be it your family, arriving on a short notice just to surprise you, you have it all covered. The food, rooms and welcome arrangements under Tikendra Bhai!

Be it a late-night celebration, a city visit or maybe a silliest shopping spree MICA has it all under our own UBER aka Hussain Bhai. A person you can trust at the midnight hour to take you back to the home away from home.

The Superhero HQ!

Be it the homesickness to the home food you miss, the mess bros are always there to cheer you up and even place an extra chappati to suffice the affection you miss at times.

Wherever you may be, these people will always Love you 3000.

These are our AVENGERS!

The MICAvengers!

