Finding your life’s purpose

Prahalad Madepally
2 min readSep 4, 2023


And working towards making it a reality with joy

Life’s purpose is often elusive. For some, it’s a deep-seated calling or desire they recognize early on, while others might only discover it later in life. Some may never truly grasp it at all. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to continually ask yourself about your purpose, trusting that in due time, you’ll find the answer.

When you truly believe in your life’s purpose, work transcends its mundane nature. Stress dissipates, and every task becomes a labor of love.

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

So, how does one determine their life’s purpose? Start by asking yourself how you’d like to be remembered. Consider the advice your 80-year-old self might give to the younger you. Such reflections can provide fresh perspectives, potentially leading you to something genuinely meaningful. The process might be lengthy, but once identified, your purpose can serve as your guiding north star.

Life’s purpose varies for everyone. It might evolve during different life stages, ranging from personal aspirations to accomplishing challenging objectives. Depending on one’s personality, it can be both simple and demanding. But when a purpose is truly meaningful, we are driven to work tirelessly towards it.

Steve Jobs once summarized the search for purpose as:

“Don’t settle, stay hungry, stay foolish.”

Steve Jobs

Embracing the Journey

Understanding your life’s purpose is just the beginning. Actualizing it is another challenge altogether. This journey often demands stepping out of your comfort zone, rectifying flaws, and navigating towards your goal with unwavering determination. It can be fraught with hurt and disappointments, but these experiences form the very stepping stones of learning and growth.

Reading books that challenge your imagination can be a catalyst, opening up new horizons and insights. It’s imperative to maintain a calm demeanor and cultivate a mindset of giving your best, regardless of the odds. Failure is a real possibility, but it’s the ability to accept, learn, and persevere that truly counts.

While our aspirations are high, sometimes we might fall short. In such times, it’s essential to ward off dejection and disappointment. Our limited time on this planet should be dedicated to savoring each moment, as our joy and contentment and inspire those around us.

Achieving your life’s purpose with joy is perhaps the most rewarding journey one can embark on. Celebrate small victories, stay resilient through setbacks, and seek guidance when needed. Life’s path is unpredictable, laden with challenges. Hence, develop a mindset to embrace failures, learn from them, and never give up.

In Conclusion

So, what is your life’s purpose? Whatever it may be, once it’s clear, devote yourself entirely to its realization. Remember, life’s journey is an unpredictable one, filled with myriad challenges. Embrace every part of it, and always move forward with unwavering determination and passion.



Prahalad Madepally

Focused on solving problems with technology & enjoying the journey, while never giving up.